HOT MAMA国际大赛获奖辣妈Nancy Ke的传奇人生

作者 小珑
发布 2019-04-26 14:20:05
浏览 3643

     HOT MAMA国际大赛获奖辣妈Nancy Ke,曾因婚姻的不幸福,一个人带着儿子生活,一位年轻的单亲妈妈要承担工作与生活等多重压力,可以想象有多难。Nancy 没有因为这些困难而退却,勇敢面对生活带来的挑战,调整心态改变自己,两年后成为健身达人,旅行户外/亲子达人。并在2018年代表中国参加HOT MAMA国际大赛在迪拜举行的全球总决赛,抱得大奖。她的个人故事非常的励志,传达了女性积极向上,自信,独立,魅力,健康的理念,完全诠释了HOT MAMA国际大赛的宗旨。国内各媒体平台(新浪,微博,搜狐,运动公众号,厦门头条) 报道了她的逆袭故事。

Nancy Ke, winner of the HOT MAMA International Pageant, once lived alone with her son because of an unhappy marriage. You can imagine how difficult that a young single mother take on multiple pressures between work and life. Although face these difficulties, Nancy challenged bravely herself and never gives up. Two years later, she became a fitness /traveling/parenting expert. In 2018, she represented China in the global finals of the HOT MAMA International Pageant in Dubai, and won the honor. Her personal story is very inspiring, conveying the concept of women's positive attitude, confidence, independence, charm and health, which fully interprets the tenet of HOT MAMA International Pageant. China domestic media platforms (Sina, Weibo, Sohu, Workout-related account, Xiamen Headline) reported her story.     2018年,Nancy Ke参加 HOT MAMA国际辣妈大赛,她传达的女性理念她的励志故事被国际辣妈大赛HOT MAMA主办方看到,并邀请她作为武汉赛区的代言人。她用行动表达了新一代女性 独立.自信,魅力,健康,爱心 的理念,在HOT MAMA中国赛区的舞台上大放光彩,一路过五关斩六将,最终获得HOT MAMA中国赛区才艺赛冠军,并代表中国参加2018HOT MAMA全球在迪拜的总决赛,获得全球第四名的好成绩。

In 2018, Nancy Ke took part in HOT MAMA International pageant in China. Her inspirational story was seen by the organizers of the HOT MAMA and she was invited to be the spokesperson for the Wuhan. Due to her amazing performance on the stage, she won the first place of the talent competition in China and represented China in the finals of the 2018 HOT MAMA International Pageant in Dubai and won the fourth place in the world.   


Nowadays, she is not only the popular icon of fitness / traveling/parenting, but also the designated spokesperson of major fashion sports brands. There are many sports show and several of companies want to sign a contract with her, but she has been turned down. What she wants to do most recently is to put aside herself, travel around the world for a period of time to enrich herself and become an interesting woman with soul.   曾经有点小自卑的Nancy,并没有因为婚姻的变故,和不尽人意的外形,而自暴自弃。相反,她通过不断的努力,以坚强豁达的个性,积极向上的生活态度,成功的把自己打造成全球瞩目的女王形象,成为女性学习榜样。我们预祝Nancy在今后的人生道路上越来越好充满阳光.

Nancy, who had a low self-esteem, did not abandon herself because of her divorce and her unsatisfactory appearance. With a strong and open-minded personality and a positive attitude towards life, she has successfully built herself like a queen that attracts worldwide attention and has become a role model for women. We wish Nancy have the best in her future.飞龙传媒 编辑报道



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