《四海同春 华星闪耀》2020休斯敦新春嘉年华

作者 小珑
发布 2020-01-08 22:37:40
浏览 3682

主办:休斯敦华星艺术团 ( Huaxing Arts Group Houston ) 

亚洲协会德州中心(Asia Society Texas Center ) 

特别支持:  中华人民共和国驻休斯敦总领馆



时间:2020年1月25日 周六 11:00am – 4:00pm

地点:亚洲协会德州中心,1370 Southmore Blvd., Houston, Texas 77004 

   休斯敦华星艺术团与亚洲协会德州中心将于农历春节大年初一联合举办《四海同春 华星闪耀》- 2020 休斯敦新春嘉年华。这是休斯敦华星艺术团继过去三年来与亚协成功举办春节庆典之后,第四次携手,以中国民俗节庆传统文化为主题所举办的又一国际性大活动。

   嘉年华活动精彩丰富,通过学中国舞,玩手绢,剪窗花,写书法,做贺卡,品茗茶,尝美食, 有奖问答等趣味性的文化互动项目,体验中华传统文化的多彩丰姿。届时,来自亚洲国家的多个文艺社团也将带来越南,韩国,日本等地的春节特色节目,与来自世界不同的国家,不同的民族的社团代表、驻休斯敦使节,各族裔家庭共度农历新春佳节。用多元性和包容性的文化元素,让中国故事、中国声音,中国文化走向世界。

   亚洲协会德州中心对双方的再次合作充满期待,每年的春节庆典接待上千家庭, 80%来自非中国族裔,佳评如潮。《四海同春 华星闪耀》休斯敦新春嘉年华庆典已经形成休斯敦例行的文化品牌,成为将中华文化真正融入主流,打开旅美各族裔了解中国的窗口,增进各族裔之间的友谊的平台。



b). 休斯敦华星艺术团特别准备了两场名为《红红火火中国年》的精品文艺表演, 让观众在优雅多姿的舞蹈和民族乐器演奏的美妙乐声中领略中国各地风土人情。著名画家常君睿将带来令人期待的沙画节目。

c). 通过宣传图片了解春节的由来, 十二生肖的意义和亚洲各国庆祝农历新年的习俗,十二生肖年代对应表,供游客查询自己的生辰属相和幸运属性。

d). 总领事为各国儿童发 “红包”是每年孩子们翘首期盼的热门节目, 各族裔孩子学说“新年快乐“,并有机会通过有趣的节庆文化常识游戏抽大奖, 获得鼠年吉祥物。

e). 组织休斯敦独立学区和孔子学院学生参加鼠年专题绘画有奖比赛,从孩子们的独特视觉和色彩斑斓的创意绘画中了解各族裔的新春习俗和新年祝福。

f). 东方艺术教育中心书法班的师生和休斯敦书法社的艺术家们开设的文化摊位最受孩子们的青睐,各族裔孩子们学习中国书法, 并在书法长卷上用自己的语言文字写上最美的新春祝福,共享节日喜悦。

g). 由东方艺术教育中心的学生们展示民族舞蹈,服装,教游客们学习玩手绢花,学习汉族扇舞, 伞舞, 傣族舞基本舞步。

h). 中国传统旗袍,国粹京剧服饰展示, 在会场中心区设 “合家欢“摄影墙,让各族裔家庭在华星主题标版前合影留念。

i).  制作新年贺卡,鼠年面具,鼠年帽 

j). 日本折纸,贺卡,吉祥鹤制作

k). 制作蒙古骆驼

l). 自写吉祥语,许愿词,装点越南幸运树

m). 制作简易韩国风筝

n). 风味食品摊位,双椒餐厅的煎饺,凉面,包十一的包子,煎饼果子,茶吧的波霸奶茶,油条,韩国的酱菜, 日本的饭团,越南的河粉等特色小吃。

儿童舞蹈- 《茉莉花》

舞蹈《丽人行》Fair Ladies

舞蹈 《纸扇书生》The Scholar with the Paper Fan

舞蹈 《九儿》Song of Jiu Er

舞蹈 《山灵》Mountain Spirits

Flute Ensemble- The Mighty Tang Dynasty《盛世大唐》

2019 资料图片- 做吉祥帽的手工摊位最受孩子们的青睐

2019资料图片 -写满祝福语的书法长卷

2020 is the Year of the Rat, thought of as a clever and quick animal that represents success and also contentment with a quiet, peaceful life. Join us in welcoming the Year of the Rat with performances, art and craft activities, and food inspired by Lunar New Year traditions across Asia!

Dance to the beat of traditional lion dancers as they perform throughout the building. Learn about the Lunar New Year zodiac, create crafts, and enjoy fun foods. A limited quantity of red envelopes will also be given to children.

This event is FREE and open to the public; please RSVP for planning purposes. Food and drink available for sale.

RSVP for Family Day

Performances by Huaxing Arts Group Houston are ticketed.

Purchase Performance Tickets

Lunar New Year activities will also take place off-site at The Galleria on January 26 and February 1–2, 12–5 p.m.

Please check back for updates!

Lunar New Year 2020 Photo Strip


All activities take place 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. except where noted otherwise.

Chinese Zodiac Game
 Play a matching game to learn about the Chinese Zodiac and the Year of the Rat. Make a postcard featuring the zodiac animal according to your birth year!

Rat Race
 Create a mask of your favorite zodiac animal and participate in a race to win a prize!

Dumpling Station
 Using craft materials, learn to make and fold traditional Chinese dumplings.

Lion Dance Game
 Try on part of a Lion Dance costume, or play a traditional Chinese drum. Dance to the beat and win a prize!

Lantern Making
 Create your own Lunar New Year Chinese lantern!

Chinese Handkerchief and Fan Dance Demonstration
Watch a classical Chinese performance requiring skill, balance, and concentration.
 Presented by Huaxing Arts Group Houston

Chinese Paper Cutting and Red Envelopes
Learn to cut traditional Chinese patterns and designs that are given as gifts during the New Year. Children also have the opportunity to receive "red envelopes" with lucky dollars and to win the prize for the Year of the Rat through fun cultural games.
 Presented by Huaxing Arts Group Houston

Family Photo Booth
Take a family photo with a Chinese Opera actress and Hot Mama 2019 International title holder.
 Presented by Huaxing Arts Group Houston

Rat Mask and Hat Making Activity
 In celebration of the Year of the Rat, create a fun mask and hat to take home.

Chinese Calligraphy
Explore traditional writing styles and receive your name or a simple phrase in Chinese characters.
 Presented by Huaxing Arts Group Houston

Community Scroll
Inspired by the beautiful landscape scroll paintings of the Qing Dynasty, everyone is invited to add their own brush strokes to a community scroll celebrating the Houston community and the Year of the Rat.
 Presented by the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Lion Dance | 1:30 p.m.
 Watch a traditional Lion Dance throughout the building!

Story Time | 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m.
 Learn about the story of the Jade Emperor and the Chinese Zodiac.

Food for Purchase

Pondi at Asia Society Texas Center
 Pondicheri's museum café offers a vibrant and innovative menu featuring everything from butter chicken to saffron shrimp and roti wraps.

Café Allure
 Café Allure serves bubble tea, egg rolls, and traditional Chinese snacks.

One Dim Sum
 Named one of Houston's 16 Hottest Restaurants by Eater Houston, One Dim Sum offers barbecue pork puffs, crispy beef puffs, pumpkin puffs, and curry chicken puffs.

Pepper Twins
 Known for their Sichuan Chinese food, Pepper Twins serves hand-culture yogurt, chow mein, and their signature chicken wings.

Mochi Ice Cream and Japanese Snack Stand
 Mochi — a Japanese confection made from pounded sticky rice with an ice cream filling — will be available for purchase, along with Japanese snacks.

Ticketed Performances

Lunar New Year 2019

Culture of China: Huaxing Presents Performing Arts of China
TICKETS: $5 Members, $10 Nonmembers
 Performance times at 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. Each showtime will feature the same performances.

To celebrate the 2020 Lunar New Year, Huaxing Arts Group Houston joins Asia Society Texas Center to present a collection of Chinese music and dance. From modern interpretations to traditional tunes to classic folk dances, the performances highlight a variety of performers and dance styles.

Huaxing Arts Group Houston is a civic organization of Chinese Americans in the Greater Houston Area. The association has served the greater community through volunteerism, service, and cultural exchange with a patriotic focus on strengthening the Chinese American community and its relationship to fellow citizens.

Purchase Performance Tickets

Lunar New Year 2020 Huaxing Photo Strip

Major support for Education & Outreach programs at Asia Society Texas Center comes from Nancy C. Allen, Chinhui Juhn and Eddie Allen, and Mary Lawrence Porter, as well as The Brown Foundation, Inc., and The Houston Endowment. Additional funding also provided by the George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation, as well as through contributions from the Friends of Asia Society, a dedicated group of individuals committed to bringing exceptional programming and exhibitions to Asia Society Texas Center.

Presenting Partner

Huaxing Arts Group

Event Details

Sat 25 Jan 2020

11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

1370 Southmore Boulevard,Houston, Texas 77004


Click for directions

Register Now

Free and open to the public; please RSVP for planning purposes. Ticketed performances: $5 Members, $10 Nonmembers


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