This Week Marks Highest Global Temperature In At Least 100,000 years

作者 Alice Tao
发布 2023-07-07 22:51:50
浏览 1711

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The planet’s temperature rose again on Thursday, making history in the modern record-keeping era. These hazardous temperatures are likely the highest in “at least 100,000 years,” a scientist said. 

According to the University of Maine, the global temperate soared to 17.23 degrees Celsius (63.01 degrees Fahrenheit) on Thursday, continuing the weeklong record-breaking temperatures. 

Before this week, the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction’s data record was 16.92 degrees Celsius in August 2016. 

“It’s not a record to celebrate and it won’t be a record for long, with northern hemisphere summer still mostly ahead and El Niño developing,” said Friederike Otto, a senior lecturer in climate science at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment in the UK. 

The exceedingly high temperatures have caused many accidents, including vehicle ones. When an individual is left in a vehicle, their temperatures rise quickly, leading to dangerous situations such as heatstrokes. Heat strokes occur when the core body temperature reaches about 104 degrees. The temperature inside a car can accelerate to 20 degrees in just 10 minutes and 40 degrees in an hour.

People globally need to prepare for this sudden temperature shift and take precautions to prevent further hazards.

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Alice Tao/编辑报道


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