Houston volunteers fined thousands for feeding unhoused individuals

作者 Alice Tao
发布 2023-08-06 23:05:40
浏览 1925

Photo from Support the Guardian

Volunteers affiliated with Food Not Bombs, an organization dedicated to feeding Houston's unhoused population since 1994, are facing potential fines totaling $80,000 following a recent crackdown by the local police. The group is contesting 44 tickets issued by the Houston Police Department for providing food to homeless individuals outside the Houston Public Library.

The fines originate from a city ordinance passed in 2012, which requires groups to obtain permission from property owners, even on public property, before distributing food to more than five people. Although the ordinance remained dormant for years, it has recently been enforced, leading to legal challenges from Food Not Bombs.

Nick Cooper, a volunteer with the organization, expressed concern about the negative impact of the anti-food-sharing law on services for people without homes. He criticized the law and highlighted the strain it puts on volunteers, who must attend multiple court hearings, sometimes requiring them to take time off work.

Houston's anti-food-sharing law is one of several measures that have been enacted to criminalize homelessness in the city. These include restrictions on shelter structures, sleeping in certain areas, and other laws targeting homeless individuals.

Similar confrontations between homeless advocates and cities have occurred elsewhere, such as in Bullhead City, Arizona, where a lawsuit was filed to challenge an anti-food-sharing ordinance. Food Not Bombs has initiated a similar lawsuit against the City of Houston, hoping for a favorable ruling.

In response to the criticism, the Houston mayor's office stated that security concerns drove the changes, and alternative feeding locations were provided. However, Food Not Bombs was dissatisfied with the new site, as it was situated near a police station.

The Houston city attorney, Arturo Michel, asserted the city's intention to vigorously pursue violations of the anti-food-sharing ordinance due to health and safety concerns raised by homeless individuals around the library.

Shere Dore, a long-time volunteer with Food Not Bombs, voiced strong opposition to the citations and the mayor's stance. She emphasized the volunteers' constitutional right to serve the hungry on public property without government permission. She expressed concerns about the impact of citations during dangerous heatwaves, as the downtown library served as a cooling center for the unhoused population.

Food Not Bombs volunteers in Houston are challenging the enforcement of an anti-food-sharing ordinance, arguing for their right to provide food to people without homes without government permission. The situation has sparked a legal battle and raised concerns about the well-being of the unhoused population during extreme weather conditions.

Photo from Support the Guardian





  类似的冲突在其他地方也发生过,例如在亚利桑那州布尔黑德城,一名78岁的妇女提起诉讼,挑战了一项反对食物分享的法令。 “食物不是炸弹”组织在休斯敦市提起了类似的诉讼,希望能获得类似的裁决。






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