
作者 Alice Tao
发布 2023-11-13 21:51:26
浏览 2070

  在周日,一名少年在Pearland的Cole’s跳蚤市场发生的枪击事件中丧生,由Pearland警察局的公共信息官Chad Rogers确认。





  调查过程涉及积极与目击者进行面谈以收集更多细节。现场仍然动态,呼吁公众远离该区域。尽管之前曾封闭,但由于调查程序的完成,Highway 35现已重新开放。

1 killed, 4 injured after shooting at Pearland flea market

A juvenile lost their life in a shooting incident at Cole’s Flea Market in Pearland on Sunday, as confirmed by Chad Rogers, Public Information Officer for the Pearland Police Department. 

The incident occurred around 5:34 p.m. and involved a total of five victims, including three adults and two children, though their ages were not specified. All the victims were promptly transported to local hospitals, and one juvenile succumbed to their injuries. The current conditions of the remaining victims are unknown.

Rogers said that the shooting was caused by disturbance between two individuals, leading to gunfire. Specific details, such as the number of firearms and rounds fired, were not provided. Rogers emphasized that the incident did not appear to be a targeted attack on the flea market but rather a consequence of a dispute.

As of now, no suspects are in custody, and authorities are urging anyone with information to contact their tip line at 281-997-5828. 

The Houston Police Department and Harris County Precinct 2 Constable’s office are assisting Pearland Police in the ongoing investigation. Rogers mentioned the rarity of such violence in Pearland, describing the incident as tragic for the community.

The investigative process involves active interviews with witnesses to gather more details. The scene remains dynamic, and the public is urged to avoid the area. Despite earlier closures, Highway 35 has now reopened following the completion of the investigative procedures.

Alice Tao 报道


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