
作者 Aglaia Hong
发布 2024-05-28 20:48:30
浏览 1496

  5月27日上午10点,在休斯顿二战纪念广场举行“阵亡将士纪念日”纪念活动。来自各社区领袖、退伍军人、二战老兵家属及当地政府官员齐聚二战纪念公园,纪念为国家做出最大牺牲的勇敢将士。第 15 届阵亡将士纪念日仪式由国会女议员 Sheila Jackson Lee 主持。


  国会议员 Sheila Jackson Lee 在开幕词中说到,要记住服役人员的重要性,感恩他们为国家做出的贡献。“我们必须做更多的事情来感谢我们的退伍军人以及牺牲的军人,并确保他们的牺牲不会被遗忘。”她的话引起了观众的强烈共鸣,参加纪念活动的嘉宾致辞时一致表示,是军人的牺牲给我们带来了和平,我们要记住他们。

国会议员 Sheila Jackson Lee致辞

  活动吸引了包括亚裔美国人领袖委员会 (AALC) 在内的各种社区组织的参与。AALC 在当天的活动中发挥了重要作用,庆祝退伍军人的贡献和牺牲,同时在社区内培养团结和感恩之心。同时证明了社区对退伍军人和阵亡英雄的坚定支持。


  罗玲的领导力和对公民参与的奉献精神使她成为社区中的杰出人物。她对退伍军人支持和认可的热情倡导凸显了她致力于尊重所有服役人员的贡献。她强调了 AALC 为支持退伍军人及其家人所做的持续努力,确保他们的牺牲得到尊重和赞赏。

  活动期间,社区成员和当地领导人发表了几场感人肺腑的演讲。代表 Jolanda Jones 分享了一个非常个人化的故事,她的父亲是一名海军陆战队员,曾在越南服役,在与战争的心理创伤作斗争,最终自杀。她说 “我们必须支持我们的军人及其家人,因为为了保家卫国牺牲了自己的家庭。

  退伍军人权益组织的代表 Jason Robinson 谈到了支持退伍军人心理健康的重要性。他敦促社区思考如何帮助防止退伍军人自杀并支持那些服役过的人。

  各种当地组织和代表因对退伍军人的持续支持而受到表彰。退伍军人权益服务和培训 (VAST) 的代表 Patricia Akuna ,因为退伍军人提供住房和支持服务而做出的努力受到了赞扬。他说“感谢社会各界的支持,如果没有社区的帮助,我们无法在一个地方安置 500 名退伍军人。

  社区领袖 Thelma Scott 女士分享了她在国会女议员李办公室的支持下克服心理健康挑战的个人经历。她的非营利组织“安全多元化社区”每月都会表彰退伍军人,延续他们的传奇并提供持续支持。

  为了给仪式增添特别色彩,AALC 邀请了当地乐队和才华横溢的钢琴家表演。音乐为活动提供了反思和振奋人心的背景,增强了庄严而又快乐的气氛。这些表演是对阵亡者记忆的致敬,也是对继续服役人员的坚韧和精神的庆祝。


Houston, TX – On a warm and solemn Memorial Day, community members, veterans, and local leaders gathered at the World War II Memorial Park to honor the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the nation. The 15th annual Memorial Day ceremony, spearheaded by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, was a testament to the community’s unwavering support for its veterans and fallen heroes.

The event saw participation from various community organizations, including the Asian American Leadership Council (AALC). The AALC played a significant role in the day's events, celebrating the contributions and sacrifices of veterans while fostering a sense of unity and gratitude within the community.

In her opening remarks, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee spoke passionately about the importance of remembering and honoring those who have served. "We must do more to honor our veterans and ensure their sacrifices are not forgotten," she stated. Her words resonated deeply with the audience, many of whom have personal connections to the military. The congresswoman also highlighted the growing role of women in the armed forces, acknowledging their contributions and encouraging more young women to consider a career in the military. "More and more women are coming into service, and we should honor them as we honor all our heroes," she said.

A significant moment of the ceremony was the presentation of the AALC’s Lifetime Civic Achievement Award. Luo Ling, a respected leader within the Asian American community and a leading voice for Asian Americans in the area, had the honor of presenting this prestigious award. Luo Ling emphasized the importance of remembering and honoring those who have served. "We owe our freedom and security to the brave men and women who have laid down their lives for our country," she said. "Their sacrifices should never be forgotten."

Luo Ling's leadership and dedication to civic engagement have made her a prominent figure in the community. Her passionate advocacy for veteran support and recognition underscores her commitment to honoring the contributions of all who serve. She highlighted the AALC's ongoing efforts to support veterans and their families, ensuring their sacrifices are acknowledged and appreciated.

The event featured several poignant speeches from community members and local leaders. Representative Jolanda Jones shared a deeply personal story about her father, a Marine who served in Vietnam and struggled with the psychological toll of war, ultimately taking his own life. "We really have to support our service people and their families because it's a familial sacrifice," Jones emphasized.

Jason Robinson, representing a veteran advocacy organization, spoke about the importance of supporting veterans' mental health. He urged the community to think about how they can help prevent veteran suicides and support those who have served.

Various local organizations and representatives were recognized for their continuous support of veterans. The Veterans Advocate Services and Training (VAST), represented by Patricia Akuna, was commended for its efforts in providing housing and support services to veterans. "We wouldn't be able to house 500 veterans in one location without the help from the community," Akuna noted.

Ms. Thelma Scott, a dedicated community leader, shared her personal experience of overcoming mental health challenges with the support of Congresswoman Lee’s office. Her nonprofit organization, Safe Diversity Communities, honors veterans monthly, keeping their legacies alive and providing continuous support.

To add a special touch to the ceremony, the AALC invited a local band and a talented pianist to perform. The music provided a reflective and uplifting backdrop to the event, enhancing the solemn yet celebratory atmosphere. These performances were a tribute to the memory of the fallen and a celebration of the resilience and spirit of those who continue to serve.

The ceremony also included a moment of silence to honor the fallen heroes, followed by a prayer led by Chaplain Tom Kane. The emotional tribute was a stark reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have served.

The event concluded with a patriotic music tribute by student performers, celebrating the spirit of unity and resilience. Congresswoman Lee, joinLuoby other community leaders, presented special Congressional Commendations to various honorees, recognizing their dedication and service.

Luo Ling's speech was a central highlight of the event. She spoke with conviction about the importance of community support for veterans, emphasizing that their sacrifices extend beyond the battlefield. "We must remember that the families of our servicemen and women also bear a great burden," she said. "It is our duty as a community to support them and to honor the memory of those we have lost by ensuring their families are cared for."

Her message resonated deeply with the audience, inspiring many to think about how they can contribute to supporting veterans and their families. Luo Ling also called for increased awareness and action on veteran mental health issues, urging the community to come together to provide the necessary support and resources.

The Memorial Day ceremony in Houston was more than just an event; it was a powerful display of community unity and gratitude. The participation of the AALC and the inspiring leadership of Luo Ling highlighted the importance of collective remembrance and support for veterans.

As the attendees left the park, the spirit of the ceremony lingered, a poignant reminder of the bravery, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment of those who serve and protect the nation. The efforts of leaders like Luo Ling ensure that these heroes' legacies are honored and that their stories continue to inspire future generations.

Aglaia Hong 


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