好消息!《美国青少年选美大赛Youth American Beauty Pageant》开始报名啦!

作者 小珑
发布 2024-08-12 18:39:35
浏览 1630


    YABP(Youth American Beauty Pageant)是专为4岁到12岁小朋友提供的一个彰显个性,展示才艺,美丽绽放的赛事。旨在培养孩子的综合素质,增强自信心,提高竞争力,以适应飞速发展的时代需要。让孩子从小就可以独立地站上大舞台,挑战自我,战胜困难,在历练中成长。展示孩子们活力四射、积极向上的精神风貌。

❤ 想为你的童年生活增添色彩吗?

❤ 想丰富阅历,增强个性特点吗?

❤ 想收获更多的机会吗?

⇨ 请不放过每一个历炼成长的机会,不惧怕任何挑战,勇敢地站上舞台,YABP助你迈出追梦的第一步!

   美国青少年选美大赛Youth American Beauty Pageant》大赛将于10月26日下午5点在Touch of Class EVENTS CENTER举行。

地址: 201 Sharpstown Center Houston Tx 77036。


铁梅 832-803-9018;鲍玲 713-503-8068;笑琳 832-420-7100;夏夏 832-205-6616



  报名费Register fee: $100

  The slogan of the inaugural Youth American Beauty Pageant is "Dreams Start Here." The YABP beauty pageant provides a stage for young people to showcase their talents and pursue their dreams, aiming to uncover their potential and cultivate their confidence, adaptability, and leadership.

  Please read Carefully:

  All image rights of participants in the Youth American Beauty Pageant belong to "Fly Dragon International Cultural Media Group USA". The results of the competition will have a legal effect. Contestants must not act against the friendly spirit of the competition, harm others, or endanger society. Any attacks on other contestants are strictly prohibited. For serious violations, the competition committee has the right to cancel the contestant's award and publicly announce the reason for the disqualification.


  Youth American Beauty Pageant Final Competition: October 26th.

Competition Details:

1. 参赛年龄组 Age Division (以1/1/2024 前的实际年龄为准 The age is calculated based on the actual BOD before January 1, 2024)

幼儿组 Toddler Group (4-6 years old)

少儿组 Child Group (7-9 years old)

少年组 Youth Group (10-12 years old)

2. 比赛环节Competition Category

(a)自我介绍 Self-introduction (Within 30 seconds. The committee will provide T-Shirts; contestants must wear their own blue jean and white shoes, No pants or skirts)

(b)才艺展示Talent (No longer than 2 minutes. Please send a demo video and the accompany music to the email: lingbao5324@hotmail.com ASAP)

(c)晚礼服展示Formal Attire (self-provide; Not props are allowed,such as hats, sunglasses, fans, umbrellas, swords, etc.)

3. 奖项Awards:


  YABP颁奖晚会将于11月10日与国际辣妈大赛同时在斯坦福中心(Stafford Center)盛大举行。

Each Age group will have a champion, 2nd place, 3rd place, the best talent award, and some encouragement awards.

The top three winners of each group will receive crowns, sashes, certificates, and trophies.

The YABP with the awards ceremony and Hot Mama Contest taking place the same day at the Stafford Centre.

报名截止: 9月30日,Registration deadline: 9/30/2024



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